Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Trina Solar wins cold ice and snow test

China-based Trina Solar’s Vertex N 630W (NE19R) mono-glass module excelled in the PV Module Run in Cold Ice and Snow Competition, organized by the China General Certification Center, demonstrating outstanding reliability. Since December,the module underwent four months of rigorous testing in extremely low temperatures, in Mohe, China’s northernmost city. The module maintained structural integrity with no deformation, cracking, or yellowing. It passed a high-voltage insulation test, withstanding 4,000 V, and showed no hidden cracks in EL images. The module also endured high radiation and intense UV exposure, with an average degradation rate of just -0.38%. Featuring n-type i-TOPCon technology, the Vertex N 630W delivers efficiency up to 23.3%. The company reports that its innovative non-destructive cutting and high-density encapsulation technologies help minimize hidden cracks and hot spots. 

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