Trina Solar’s TOPCon modules outperform XBC in field tests

Low-light tests show Trina Solar’s TOPCon modules achieving a 6.9% gain over TBC in morning conditions. (Image Source: Trina Solar)

US-based Trina Solar conducted a global field test from July 16 to September 10, demonstrating that TOPCon modules deliver a 3.15% average power generation gain per watt over XBC modules, with monthly gains reaching up to 3.4%. The test used Vertex N 600 W bifacial dual-glass modules and 620 W TBC modules under real-world conditions. Installed on cement ground with 30% reflectivity and a 23° tilt angle, the TOPCon modules showed a 6.9% advantage in low-irradiance conditions during early mornings and 8.3%-8.4% gains during late evenings. At midday, bifaciality provided a 2.6% edge over TBC modulesYinchuan tests showed 1.76% higher front-side generation than XBC modules. Trina Solar claims TOPCon modules will lead the market, supporting future n-type tandem cell advancements.