Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Standard Solar acquires 4.98 MW project in New Mexico

Standard Solar, a Brookfield based solar developer, has acquired a 4.98 MW solar project in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, from Energy Management, Inc. (EMI), a Massachusetts-based developer. The Bent Bow project, initiated by EMI in 2021, was one of six projects chosen under New Mexico’s Community Solar initiative, which saw over 50 applications. The Community Solar Act sets a 200 MW cap on total community solar transactions across three utilities for the initial years, with El Paso Electric receiving 30 MW. The act ensures that at least 30% of the energy produced is dedicated to low-income subscribers, promoting equitable access to renewable energy. Upon its expected completion in late 2025, the ground-mount solar array will generate approximately 11,309.98 MW hours of energy annually.  

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