India-based The Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd. (SECI) has issued a tender for 4.125 MW grid-connected solar PV projects at IIT Kharagpur under RESCO mode. The project includes a 2.9 MW rooftop, 1 MW ground-mounted, and 225 kW elevated structure installations. The maximum tariff is capped at INR 4.9/kWh, with project completion required within 9 months of PPA signing. Bidders must meet financial criteria, provide performance guarantees of INR 33.75 lakh/MW, and pay service charges to SECI. The tender aims to promote established solar technologies to minimize risk and ensure timely commissioning. Bid submission closes on January 3, 2025.
SECI invites bids for 4.125 MW IIT Kharagpur solar installations
IIT Kharagpur solar project features 2.9 MW rooftop, 1 MW ground-mounted, and 225 kW elevated structures. (Image Credit/Source: TheEngineering/Pixabay)