Unimacts joins Origami Solar for US-made steel frames

Origami Solar partners with Unimacts to strengthen domestic solar manufacturing and reduce international supply chain dependency. (Image Source: Origami Solar)

Origami Solar, in partnership with Unimacts, has launched its first steel solar module frame roll-forming line at Unimacts’ Houston, Texas facility. The line supports customer evaluation and volume production, advancing Origami’s goal for domestic steel frame manufacturing by 2025. These high-performance steel frames improve module strength and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 90% compared to imported aluminum frames. The domestic supply chain enables quick one-to-two-day transit times and helps meet Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax credit requirements by adding 5-7% domestic content. Unimacts’ Houston facility will expand to include additional roll-forming lines, enhancing production resilience and mitigating trade risks. With over 30 GW of potential customer demand, Origami Solar is collaborating with Tier 1 and Tier 2 module manufacturers to strengthen the US renewable energy supply chain.