Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Fallon Two Rock solar farm online in Petaluma

MCE has partnered with Renewable America to add another 1 MW of solar energy in Marin County, California, through the Fallon Two Rock solar farm, spanning 4.5 acres. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on April 15th in Petaluma. Completed in January 2024 as part of MCE’s 48 MW of local energy generation, the project was financed by Sunwest Bank. RNA Services LLC, a subsidiary of Renewable America, served as the EPC partner and will handle O&M. Local companies like Sunstall Inc. and Sierra Tree Company were employed for construction. The project is expected to produce 2,300 MWh annually, powering 400 homes and reducing over 8,600 kg of greenhouse gas emissions yearly. This project is MCE’s 16th Feed-In Tariff project in the Bay Area and marks Renewable America’s debut project with MCE, supported by $20,000 for local workforce development. 

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