Jammu and Kashmir targets 30,000 solar rooftops under the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana, with 617 completed so far. Additionally, 4,108 government buildings have been solarised, adding 35.2 MW of capacity, while vendors contributed 13.6 MW. Subsidies include ₹33,000 per kW from the central government and ₹3,000 per kW from the UT government for installations up to 3 kW, with loans available at 7% interest. Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo directed intensified awareness campaigns across panchayats and the appointment of nodal officers to monitor progress. Plans include achieving 70 MW under the Capex model and 238 MW under the RESCO (Renewable Energy Service Company Model) mode via NHPC and JAKEDA. Financial aid is disbursed within 15 days of installation, with long-term savings expected, even for loan-takers.
Solar rooftop drive in Jammu and Kashmir gains momentum
Jammu and Kashmir’s solar rooftop initiative has completed 617 installations, targeting 30,000 homes under a subsidy scheme. (Image Credit/Source: Pixabay/Pexels)