Runergy clarifies ITC investigation timeline details

Runergy provides insights into ITC’s Section 337 timeline, countering misleading interpretations of its 45-day and 60-day procedural references. (Image Source: Runergy)

US-based Runergy has issued a clarification on the timeline and procedures related to the ITC’s Section 337 investigation. According to Runergy, the process, which began on October 31, 2024, typically takes at least 16 months, with a final determination expected by February 2026. The timeline includes stages such as expert reports, witness statements, evidentiary hearings, and initial determinations. Runergy explains that the ITC’s 45-day timeline is solely for setting the target date, not that the investigation concludes in 45 days. If a violation is found in February 2026, an exclusion order would take effect 60 days post-decision. Runergy has also filed petitions with the USPTO on October 8, 2024, to cancel Trina’s patents, arguing they lack originality. An IPR decision is anticipated by March 2026, potentially impacting Trina’s ITC case.