Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Huasun’s HJT cell production surpasses designed capacity

In June and July, Huasun Energy’s Xuancheng Solar Cell Factory’s C4 Workshop exceeded its designed capacity with outputs of 251.45 MW and 252.36 MW, respectively, surpassing the 250 MW monthly target. According to Huasun Energy, this marks the first time in the PV industry that HJT cell output has exceeded its design capacity. The company attributes this success to the coordinated efforts of its Technology, Equipment, Manufacturing, Quality, Operations, and Plant Affairs teams, which implemented advanced automation and refined CVD process controls. This led to a 10% capacity increase and enhanced production efficiency and quality. Huasun Energy plans to leverage this efficiency to drive further process optimization and technical innovation while exploring new materials to reduce costs and improve industry performance. 

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