210mm module shipments surpass 260 GW

As of Q1 2024, global shipments of 210 mm modules, including 210R variants, have exceeded 260 GW, as reported by TrendForce, a leading Taiwanese market research firm. The production capacity for large cells will scale up to 1,549 GW, with 210 mm cells contributing 1,296 GW. n-type cell production is set to reach 1,078 GW, of which TOPCon cells will comprise 909 GW, capturing 58% of the n-type market. Large-scale module production capacity is expected to reach 1,365 GW, with 210 mm modules accounting for 1,105 GW. Leading manufacturers are focusing on achieving 700 W output with 210 mm n-type modules. According to Trina Solar, cumulative shipments of 210 mm modules are forecast to surpass 120 GW by Q1 2024.