Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Comstock receives permit for new panel recycling facility

Virginia-based Comstock Inc.’s subsidiary Comstock Metals, has secured a long-term lease on a 100,000 square foot facility in Silver Springs, Nevada, to process up to 100,000 tons of end-of-life solar panels annually. The facility, adjacent to its current demonstration site, received unanimous approval for a conditional use permit from the Lyon County Board of Commissioners, accelerating its regional solar panel recycling operation. According to the company, the site offers a 100% closed-loop, zero-landfill solution to reduce landfilled electronic waste and recover valuable materials. Comstock Metals is expanding its demonstration facility to a third shift and advancing the design and permitting of the industry-scale facility to meet its 2024 objectives. Strategically positioned to serve the Western US, Comstock is engaging with large-scale customers for long-term commitments, supported by the leased facility and expanded storage capabilities. 

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