Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Astronergy unveils global service platform globally

Singapore based Astronergy has officially launched the bilingual Astronergy Global After-Sales Service Platform after six months of meticulous preparation and testing. The platform aims to provide unified and efficient after-sales solutions to its global customers. According to the company, the platform integrates various service functions, including issue feedback, product maintenance, technical support, and customer consultation. Aligned with Astronergy’s 3D strategy—Differentiation, Downstream, and Diversification—the platform achieves informatization, visualization, systematization, intelligence, and globalization. This ensures customers enjoy efficient, traceable, one-stop service through multiple channels such as the website, application, and WeChat mini-program. The company claims this initiative will bolster competitiveness, strengthen its brand image, and optimize customer experiences, fostering long-term business value. The company also emphasized commitment to deliver service through a professional after-sales support team. 

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