Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Astronergy powers 316.4 MW solar projects in China

China-based Astronergy’s ASTRO N series PV modules have been selected for two solar projects in Western China, totaling 316.4 MW, both expected to be connected to the grid by year-end. According to Astronergy, the ASTRO N7 module is essential for a 102.4 MW Agri-PV project in Yunnan province, an area rich in sunlight and land resources. This module’s large-size wafer design increases the installation amount by 12.3%. Simultaneously, the ASTRO N5 module is being used in a 214 MW project in Qinghai province, projected to generate 350 million kWh annually. Astronergy claims that this project will cut carbon emissions by 349,200 tons. The ASTRO N5’s TOPCon 4.0 technology and a temperature coefficient of -0.29%/°C ensure high performance in extreme conditions, says Astronergy. 

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