Saturday, September 21, 2024
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AIKO’s ABC modules excel in performance

A report released by Spain-based Enertis Applus+, a leading authority in renewable energy consulting, named “Energy Yield Assessment and Levelized Cost of Electricity,” shows that China-based AIKO’s ABC modules significantly outperform TOPcon and PERC modules from two leading competitors, referred to as PVM1 and PVM2. According to the report, AIKO modules offer up to 12.4% higher installation capacity and superior energy yield. Specifically, in Bologna, AIKO modules produced 11.5% more energy than PVM1 and 17.9% more than PVM2 in the first year. In Seville, the figures were 12.0% and 18.4%, respectively. Over 30 years, AIKO modules generated up to 22.2% more energy and reduced Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) by up to 9.5%, with better internal rate of return (IRR) and return on investment (ROI).  

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