Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Astronergy presents its solar solutions at Intersolar South America

At Intersolar South America 2024, held in São Paulo from August 27 to 29, China-based Astronergy presented its ASTRO series of high-efficiency PV modules. Engaging with over 650 exhibitors, Astronergy showcased its latest innovations and advanced solar technologies. According to Astronergy, its participation underscores its engagement to the Brazilian solar market, focusing on tailored solutions for local energy needs. As a member of Brazilian associations ABSOLAR and INEL, Astronergy says it supports the nation’s renewable energy goals. ABSOLAR anticipates 5.98 GW growth in the distributed solar sector in 2024, with centralized installations adding 3.4 GW. Astronergy sees this projected growth as offering better opportunities to provide localized solar solutions. 

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