Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Astronergy supplies 31.6 MW solar modules for a solar park in Romania

China-based module maker Astronergy has supplied 50,544 pieces of ASTRO N5 n-type PV modules for a 31.6 MW solar park in Vâlcea County, Romania. Once connected to the grid, the solar park, is expected to generate 44,538 MWh of electricity annually, reducing carbon emissions by 31,114 metric tons. Utilizing Astronergy’s advanced n-type TOPCon 4.0 cell technology and SMBB design, these modules deliver up to 23.3% efficiency and a maximum power output of 650W. These modules with a temperature coefficient -0.29%/℃, are designed for reliable performance even in high-temperature conditions, according to the company. Astronergy has consistently pursued and secured regional industry qualifications. This year, EUPD Research recognized Astronergy as a TOP PV SUPPLIER 2024 in Romania and a TOP Brand PV 2024 in European countries.

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