Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Boviet Solar in Sinovoltaics’ top PV manufacturers list

Vietnam-based Boviet Solar Technology Co. Ltd. has been ranked among the top 10 PV module manufacturers in Sinovoltaics‘ latest report. This ranking assesses the financial stability of 65 publicly listed PV module manufacturers from Asia, Europe, and America using the Altman Z-Score, which predicts bankruptcy risk. Key factors include working capital, total assets, retained earnings, and sales. According to the company, Boviet Solar’s top 10 placement highlights its robust financial health and reliability, crucial for warranty stability and investment risk mitigation. The company also earned accolades from Wood Mackenzie as a leading bankable PV module manufacturer and was affirmed by Black & Veatch in 2022 as a reliable partner in the renewable energy sector. 

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