Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Lumenco Scientific to commercialize its light filtering technology

Canada-based Lumenco, LLC, an expert in light science technologies, has announced the creation of Lumenco Scientific to commercialize its patented Solar Chill energy-optimizing coating transfer technology (U.S. patent #11,908,965B1). According to Lumenco, Solar Chill acts as a nano-mask, reflecting heat-producing infrared wavelengths while allowing energy-generating visible light to enter solar panels. Utilizing nanostructures and metamaterials, this technology can be integrated into existing panel manufacturing processes without modifications. Lab results indicate Solar Chill can boost energy capture by 20% and extend panel life by keeping them cooler. Lumenco Scientific is actively pursuing licensing opportunities and strategic partners to bring Solar Chill film and coating technologies to the energy sector. 

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