Sunday, September 22, 2024
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AI-driven soiling loss simulations by Fracsun

Fracsun, a California-based company, has introduced CLEO AI, an AI-powered tool for precise soiling loss modeling in solar energy projects. CLEO AI integrates local soiling loss measurements, detailed weather data, and machine learning algorithms to provide localized annual soiling loss simulations. This model accounts for environmental factors and generates a Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) for daily soiling loss data, refining production models and maintenance schedules. Supported by a global network of soiling monitoring stations covering over 12 GW of solar capacity, CLEO AI continuously learns and incorporates new parameters. According to Fracsun, this approach enables proactive soiling issue management, optimizing maintenance plans and production forecasts to maximize ROI. Fracsun also invites interested parties to join the beta test group for early access and feedback. 

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