Sunday, September 22, 2024
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RECOM introduces Lion HJT 750 Wp module

RECOM Technologies, a prominent European manufacturer, has unveiled the Lion HJT 750 Wp solar module, achieving a company-claimed efficiency of 24.1%. Engineered with Heterojunction Technology (HJT), it combines mono thin crystalline silicon with ultra-thin amorphous silicon layers for superior energy yield and durability. With a low temperature coefficient of -0.24%/°C, the module maintains high performance in diverse conditions. Featuring a bifaciality factor up to 90%, surpassing the standard 70%, RECOM claims it boosts energy production by up to 20% in low-light environments like mornings and cloudy days. Utilizing n-type technology, it minimizes power losses and eliminates risks of PID and LID, ensuring a low LCOE. The module is offered with a 30-year product warranty. 

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