Sunday, July 7, 2024

Ingeteam delivers 70 inverters to Grenergy

Ingeteam will supply 70 photovoltaic inverters to Grenergy for the 250 MW solar project in the Tabernas desert, Southern Spain. This project aims to generate 466.6 GWh annually, powering over 126,300 households and reducing CO2 emissions by 127,380 tonnes. Ingeteam’s turnkey solution includes 70 INGECON SUN 3Power C Series inverters across 35 transformer stations, complete with a control system and commissioning. Since entering the photovoltaic market 25 years ago, Ingeteam has supplied over 31 GW globally, including 6 GW in Spain, and also has a presence in the U.S., Australia, Mexico, Chile, and Abu Dhabi.

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