Saturday, September 28, 2024
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Momentus, Ascent announce solar array collaboration

Momentus Inc. and Ascent Solar Technologies have partnered to promote solar arrays, combining Momentus‘ Tape Spring Solar Array (TASSA) and Ascent’s PV modules. TASSA was demonstrated successfully in space last year through the Vigoride-6 mission, by integrating Ascent’s solar blankets, ensuring efficiency and durability. The new TASSA iteration will incorporate Ascent’s Titan Modules, enhancing cost-effectiveness. Utilizing Vigoride hardware, TASSA streamlines spacecraft assembly and offers responsive launch capabilities. Designed for SmallSats, TASSA optimizes power generation while minimizing mass and volume. Its retractable feature enhances spacecraft safety by minimizing exposure to orbital hazards. Ascent’s modules, resilient to radiation, promise extended power with reduced mass for space missions. 

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