Sunday, July 7, 2024

ib vogt signs solar power deal with Apple

ib vogt has secured a PPA with Apple to supply 105 MW of solar power from its Castaño Solar project in Segovia, Spain. This project is part of ib vogt’s three pay-as-produced fixed price PPAs under construction in the province and is slated for completion by December 2024. The solar plant, with a peak capacity of 134 MW, will employ bifacial solar panels on a single-axis tracker system to optimize energy production. Once operational, the plant is projected to annually offset approximately 57,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions. Ib vogt is handling the project’s full Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) services and will manage the project’s Operations & Maintenance (O&M) post-completion. 

Sourceib vogt
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