Ava Energy secures second patent for MicroGrid-powered GPUs

Converting distributed energy into computing power allows Ava Energy to generate higher economic returns than selling electricity. (Image Source: Ava Energy AI)

US-based Ava Energy AI has secured its second patent, United States Patent Application No. 18/654,413, for using MicroGrids to power GPUs in data centers. This patent builds on their first, which focused on converting distributed energy into compute power through its Energy Operating System (EOS). According to Ava Energy AI, selling compute power is more lucrative, with electricity in New York priced at $0.02 per kWh, while compute power sells for $2.66 per kWh. Ava Energy AI plans to collaborate with microgrid operators, converting their energy into compute power for sale. Additionally, the company is building a distributed cloud infrastructure to meet rising GPU demand.