The reforms aim to enhance bioenergy, improve grid integration for solar, and provide planning security for combined heat and power plants. Image Credit/Source: orlando s./Pexels
Germany’s parliament, led by the SPD-Green government and CDU/CSU opposition, has planned to pass energy law reforms before the 23 February snap election. The amendments to the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) have aimed to address excess solar feed-in, secure biogas funding, and improve combined heat and power (CHP) planning. The reforms have included measures to enhance grid flexibility and better integrate solar energy with digitalization. The energy association BDEW has recognized the agreement as a major step in securing future energy supply. Several energy-related proposals, including state-supported auctions for new gas power plants and electricity market reforms, have remained unresolved. Under German parliamentary regulations, any legislation that remains unapproved before the election must be reintroduced in the next legislative session.