Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Trina Solar unveils agrivoltaics project in Kyoto, Japan

Trina Solar, a global provider of photovoltaic and energy storage solutions, has launched its latest agrivoltaics project in Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture. This project combines solar energy generation with the cultivation of Japanese yam, a crop that thrives under the shade of the solar panels with its low light saturation. The solar panels also reduces the soil moisture evaporation facilitating the required eco system The project, developed by Trina Solar’s International System Business Unit (ISBU), utilizes 3,392 Vertex N 720W solar modules built with n-type i-TOPCon cells based on 210 mm wafers. The modules are mounted at a minimum height of 2.35 m. The project is expected to produce 2,700 MWh of clean energy annually, cutting CO2 emissions by approximately 1,760 tons each year.  

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