Saturday, September 21, 2024
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GKN Automotive’s first renewable PPA in Spain

Recurrent Energy, a subsidiary of Canadian Solar Inc., has secured a 10-year PPA with GKN Automotive, headquartered in Birmingham and renowned for drive systems. This marks GKN Automotive’s inaugural renewable energy PPA in Europe, facilitating an annual production of 200 GWh of renewable electricity. The energy will originate from the Rey I Project, a 115 MWp facility currently under construction in Seville, Andalucia, Spain, slated for completion by the first half of 2026. Once operational, Rey I will be managed by Recurrent Energy, generating approximately 240 GWh annually, sufficient to power more than 73,000 homes and curtail CO2 emissions by about 197,000 metric tons per year. This initiative aligns with GKN Automotive’s objective to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2045. 

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